
Hello. I’m Ron McManus. Thank you for visiting my website.

I remember the day I decided to write a novel. I wanted to write a book like the ones I enjoyed reading—an engaging medical or military thriller or suspense novel. The advice I heard was write what you know. So, I drew upon my experience as a naval officer, my years as an R&D executive for a global pharmaceutical company, and my experience living and working in England to write Libido’s Twist. The book won a Writer’s Digest award in genre fiction. My readers said they loved characters and compelling story and urged me to keep writing. They wanted more Jake Palmer, my main protagonist, a former Navy SEAL and attorney turned independent investigator.

Since then, I’ve written The Drone Enigma and The Envelope and recently completed my fourth book, The Chameleon. Currently, I’m preparing to relaunch Libido’s Twist with a new cover and am developing the plot for my fifth book in the Jake Palmer series.