by admin | Feb 22, 2013 | Agent Query Process, Books by Ron McManus, Chuck Sambuchino, Literary Agents, Writer's Digest
XC59VFC3BPCG I am currently immersed in the agent query process for my second manuscript. A quick internet search will yield hundreds, if not thousands, of web sites offering advice on how to write query letters. Attend any writers conference and I’ll guarantee...
by admin | Jan 25, 2013 | Books by Ron McManus, Hampton Roads Writers Conference, Literary Agents, South Carolina Writers Conference, ThrillerFest, Writers Conferences
Have you wondered whether attending a writers conference is worth the cost. The price can range from $200-$300 for a small local conference to $1200 for Thrillerfest in New York. And that’s just the registration fee. Including travel, hotel, and incidentals, the...